
About Us

Real Farming, Real Values

At Liberty Ridge Farm, we’re not about putting on a show. Our farm might not look picture-perfect, but that’s because we focus on what truly matters: the health of our animals, the quality of our products, and the sustainability of our practices. Every decision we make is guided by our commitment to ethical farming, not appearances. What you see here is real, and what you get is better.

Our Values

Your family’s health is our top priority. We are serious about helping your family thrive in the midst of today’s toxic food culture, empowering you to take back what most Americans have lost: the right and ability to know every detail about how their food is grown and produced. We never feed GMO grains to our animals or inject anitibiotics or hormones.

Farm Manager

Teddy Kauffman – Farm Manager

Since 1998

Our Story

In 1997, our parents, who lived in suburban Illinois at the time, came to the conclusion that they needed a radical change. Pop, who grew up on a farm, wanted to find his own land. Mom was so fed up with the suburban lifestyle that she told Pop that if she turned forty and was still living there, she would self-destruct.

They found Liberty Ridge Farm, situated in the center of the Driftless region in western Wisconsin, making it an ideal location for raising a family. In 1998, they bought the land from an Amish family who was moving out of the area.

OG Family Picture
OG Family Picture

At the time they bought the farm, there were four of us children that needed to be provided for, so we lived frugally. We didn’t have electricity for a year and no indoor plumbing for nine years.

In those early days, we learned what it meant to go without and do the best we could with what we had. We learned to have fun without the modern devices most children have, running wild on the farm. We learned the value and reward of hard work, accomplished by our own sweat.

We grew up eating healthy veggies usually from our own garden, and for several years sold produce to Organic Valley.  We almost exclusively ate meat we raised ourselves. Processed sugar was virtually non-existent in our household. We benefitted immensely from this lifestyle, growing up being nourished and strengthened by healthy food.

As we established a farm operation that could support our own needs, we started thinking about other families like ours who would benefit from what we learned and had to offer.

Our vision is to provide a reliable, local, and trusted food source for those living in the Driftless region. We simply want to pass the rich heritage given to us on to you.

Teddy Placing Temporary Fence Post scaled Liberty Ridge Farm WI
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