
Ethically Raised Meats

Evidence proves that conventional meat production practices are harmful to our health, the environment, and the animals themselves. At Liberty Ridge Farm, we produce ethically raised meats with a committment to sustainability, animal welfare, and delivering healthy, nutrient-rich products.

Pastured Chicken

When our baby chicks arrive on farm, we put them in a brooder where we can closely monitor their temperature. Once they are 3-4 weeks old, they are moved out onto pasture and kept in portable chicken tractors. They are moved regularly to give them fresh grass and bugs to eat.

We feed our chickens locally sourced Non-GMO grain. The combination of fresh air, sunshine, and high quality feed results in deliciously flavored meat. 

Grass Divider

100% Grass-fed Beef

Our cattle are born and raised on pasture. They are 100% grass-fed and grass-finished. We rotate them at regular intervals through our pastures using temporary fencing to create paddocks. During winter months we feed them hay that we have harvested during summer months, or from trusted local sources.

Grass Divider

Heritage Pork

We raise Red Wattle pigs, which is a heritage breed known for its versatility in foraging and pastured environments. While our pigs aren’t pastured, we try to start them in a fresh paddock each year. We feed them with locally sourced Non-GMO grain and any scraps we have access to.

Grass Divider

100% Grass-fed lamb

Our lamb is 100% grass-fed. We graze our sheep rotationally to ensure they consume highest quality forage possible. During winter months we feed them hay that we have harvested during summer months, or from trusted local sources. 

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